Thought I would write a quick note on looms for the job as I forgot how many people over the years have told me that they haven't had a go at tapestry technique yet because they don't have the right loom to get going. I do not own a specific tapestry loom. The looms I have are adequate for weaving the size of work I have been producing thus far.
My work in the main, is woven on any one of my 3-4 looms which are 2-shaft, peddle operated, upright looms. They are all well and truly pre-loved and wonderfully functional. A new and larger specifically tapestry loom would be fantastic, but is not imperative for actually producing a hand woven tapestry.
The first loom I ever wove a tapestry on was a chunky 4-shaft rug loom. Not so hot on the neck muscles, but adequate never the less to decide if I was interested in producing more tapestries or not, and determine what my future comfort needs were likely to be.