Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Close-up of Inquistion Revisited, one of a pair of weavings.
My own interpretation of Kieth Haring and Judy Cicago as inspiration.
Weavings based on drawings from my 1998 sketch book

Official opening of this is tomorrow @ 11am. If you are going to the Creative Fibre Festival in Blenheim, or you or someone you know  lives there, grab the opportunity to veiw four different artists creating contemporary design tapestries. Patricia Amour, Elizabeth Arnold, and Marilyn Rea-Menzies are the other members of the NZ Proffessional Weavers Network that are showing their work in this show. We are all producing very different work, and it is a great opportunity for tapestry weavers to see where those of us that have been weaving tapestry technique for a while are going with it.

While this exhibition is on I will be giving a lecture entitled Expanding Your Creative Responses at the NZ Creative Fibre National Exhibition on Saturday at 1.15pm.

Tapestry Weavings By Stephenie Collin


I hope you find Warped Art & Design both interesting and inspiring, and that it will encourage anyone working with fibre to investigate and experiment further within their chosen field.

The basic loom, which is my tool of trade, has remained technologically unchanged. This aspect appeals to me as I weave contemporary images on a machine of such simple and ancient construction.

And if the loom be silenced,
then needles, threads and fingers
have plenty more to say.

About Me

My photo
Waiuku, Auckland, New Zealand
I am an artist, weaver, gardener, mother and grandmother, home food gatherer, political sceptic, modest future eater, and much much more.