I have just begun working part-time again. As I don't have a rich husband, or wife either for that matter, I sometimes have to do this, not only in order to pay the bills, but more importantly, to keep my studio space going.
This part-time work is not in the least bit art related, but it does have some relevance to my on-going long term goal and commitment to one day be able to use my weaving skills and looms to help a community group out there to have a voice, communal focus or small income sometime in the future. Weaving is a wonderful medium for bringing people together on all sorts of levels and has such a diverse heritage for so many different peoples and cultures.
I was recently advised that if I was wanting to get more sales of my tapestries, maybe I should focus more on producing less provocative or political pieces, drop a bit of the edge to the work so to speak.
My new series of works are no larger than 30x30cm. I better not give up the part-time work though, not with all these off-shore drilling permits and mining rights going on at the mo.