THE MIGRATION OF DISPERSED VESSELS was born through a moment in history. It is a collaborative exhibition that explores community and our combined social response to "strangers in a strange land" and how we determine strangeness and belonging. The initial rage that instigated a need to question our response to this global social & political history in the making, has led to us contemplating our own sense of belonging through exploration of how we view our arts practice and experimentation. Does our own art carry the perception and strength of one or many? How passive is the beautiful aesthetic? By viewing each other's preferred medium as a point of reference for our own work , we hope to explore ideas and processes that will contribute a sense of "foreign".
Three artists who work with textiles and fibre will be presenting the findings of our study in July at the Franklin Arts Centre's Steel Gallery.
other species. Record, bless and bury is my modus operandi.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
These environmental workshops are the best thing to have come out of my enforced move away from the loom.
I'm not sure if I prefer the structure and precision adult participants tend to bring to the event, or the huge little surprises the kids ALWAYS bring with their lateral ideas.
I hope you find Warped Art & Design both interesting and inspiring, and that it will encourage anyone working with fibre to investigate and experiment further within their chosen field.
The basic loom, which is my tool of trade, has remained technologically unchanged. This aspect appeals to me as I weave contemporary images on a machine of such simple and ancient construction.